From Koh Tao

All these I have seen today and the day before yesterday. And also corals; light blue corals, dark blue corals, fluorescent blue corals, fluorescent green corals, grass-green corals, pink corals, red corals, brown corals, yellow corals, white corals (triggerfish are often around them), creamy corals, spiky corals, round corals, weird corals, anemone, hiding anemone and so on. Most of it today just snorcheling in Mango Bay. Tomorrow I still go for two more dives, to finish my diving course. I hope I will be lucky to see this little one:

Just in case: the photos are not mine, if it wasn’t obvious to someone.

One thought on “From Koh Tao

  1. Seems you are doing some pretty amazing stuff, lady.
    Not surprising, amazing people need this kind of stuff to live (!)
    Make every day epic, liefe.

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